Centennial Athletics Community Association (CAC)

Summer Fundraiser Interest Form

Michael Lepouski

Dear CAC Families,

Centennial Aquatic Club would like to host a fundraiser on Saturday August 26th at Maplewood Swim Club in Southampton. We were thinking of having some fun friendly races in the morning that the swimmers/divers can participate in ($5.00 per race/contest) and then after the event is over, the families are welcome to stay at Maplewood for the rest of the day for FREE!! We were thinking of having a 50/50 as well as some raffle baskets for families to try and win. In order to have this fundraiser, we need families to come. Included in this email is a google form that we are asking EVERY FAMILY TO FILL OUT. This form needs to be filled out so we can see who would be interested in coming to this fun event. If we don’t get a big interest, we will cancel this event. PLEASE FILL THIS FORM OUT BY SUNDAY JULY 16TH. Please consider coming to this event! We have some fun games planned for the kids and possibly even for the adults. And the best part is, after the event is over, everyone can stay at Maplewood for the day FOR FREE!!


It is important that this form gets filled out. Please make sure to fill it out no later than Sunday July 16th!

Here is the link to the poll:




Thank you for your support,

Mike and the CAC Board of Directors